



Proven clinical experience over 2 million cases

  • Accurate digital drainage measurement and trends during critical post-op window 1
  • Reliable trending of air leaks improves decision-making 2
  • Proven clinical experience over 2 million total cases, including over 100’000 cardiac cases
  • More than 40 studies, including 8 studies in cardiac and 2 randomized controlled trials 3,4


Optimized chest drainage management for safe, early tube removal

  • User-friendly interface streamlines nursing care and cardiac patient management 2,5
  • Uninterrupted, continuous drainage with long-life battery system 4,5
  • Reduces patient pain with faster drain removal 2,3,6


Over 100,000 patients have already benefited from safer care after cardiac surgery thanks to Thopaz+, which

  • provides efficient mediastinal and pleural drainage right after surgery, significantly reducing drainage-related complications 3
  • accelerates chest drain removal, shortens ICU length of stay, reduces overall costs 3,4
  • is battery-powered, lightweight and silent in all areas of the hospital, eliminating the constraints of wall vacuum 4


More effective blood drainage immediately after surgery with Thopaz+ 4,5

  • Uninterrupted, continuous drainage 
  • Self-clearing double-lumen tubing
  • Facilitates post-op transfer and early mobilization



„Die ersten zwölf Stunden nach einer Herz OP sind die kritischsten. Das Thopaz+-System baut von Anfang zuverlässig Vakuum auf und zeigt genau an, wieviel Drainageflüssigkeit anfällt.“

Prof. Dr. med. Theodor FischleinChefarzt der Klinik für Herzchirurgie Universitätsklinik der Paracelsus Medizinischen Privatuniversität


Medela(メデラ)胸腔ドレナージ用Thopaz Plus(トパーズ+)使用時
治療成績を改善してケアを効率化 – 臨床的に実証済み

Thopaz+(トパーズ+)は、術後の胸腔ドレナージ管理に最適な陰圧をかけることができ、客観的で信頼性の高い患者モニタリングを実現します。その結果、在院期間を少なくとも1日 1, 2, 6, 7 短縮し、それに伴って病院側の経費削減にもつながります 1–5

Dominant Flex(ドミナントフレックス)またはBasic(ベーシック)の使用を開始する





1 McGuire AL et al. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2015;21(4):403–7.
2 Rathinam S et al. J Cardiothorac Surg 2011;6:59.
3 Van Linden A et al. J Thorac Dis 2019;11(12):5177-5186. 
4 Barozzi L et al. J Card Surg 2020;35:1492–1497.
5 Saha S et al. Interact CardioVasc Thorac Surg 2020;31(1):42-47.
6 Pompili C et al. Ann Thorac Surg 2014;98(2):490–7.
7 Batchelor TJP et al. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2018;55(1):91–115.
8 Engelman DT et al. JAMA Surg 2019;154(8):755-766.